The Francis Marion Annual Fund
The Francis Marion Annual fund provides unrestricted support for the benefit of FMU that allows the university to meet is most important and immediate needs including academic and scholarship funding. Supporting the Annual Fund allows you to invest in the continued growth of the University.
Giving Levels:
Carolinians $20,000 + President’s Club $500
Francis Marion Society $10,000 Leadership Club $250
Pee Dee Society $5,000 Century Club $100
Founders’ Club $2,500 Patron $50
Crescent Society $1,000 Contributors $1
e Society $5,000 – $9,999
Founders’ Club $2,500-$4,999
Crescent Society - $1,000 - $2,499
President’s Club $500 -$999
Leadership Club $250-$499
Century Club $1000-$249
Patrons $50 - $99
Contributors $1- $49